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Josefine Heinemann

I think chess has mainly taught me to work in a disciplined manner towards my goals because putting in effort will always pay off.”

Nikolay Kartsev

I learned it from my father when I was 6. As the time went, I learned how to treat people better, how to be kind with everyone at a tournament even if they might be your opponent. I learned how important it is to have friends from all over, sharing their culture, mindset. You get to be a full hearted, open person. I miss the tournaments during the current times. I also learnt general team building skills which will definitely help me in the future.

Annmarie Muetsch

“Playing chess has made me more disciplined and improved my decision making under pressure. Also I got the opportunity to travel the world and meet lots of great people. Honestly, I couldn’t even imagine my life without chess in it.”

Niyati Thakur

“Playing chess at a young age has taught me that there are consequences for your actions and you have to plan well accordingly. Time management and patience are skills that come especially handy during the present times

Sunil Raina

Having learnt chess as a child, the game has helped me to stay patient in stressful situations. Now I teach my daughter the same skill that has served me well so far.”

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